Frank O’Riordan has 30 years’ experience in the asset management and funds management industry. He has operated at Senior Management and Board level.

Frank O’Riordan has 30 years’ experience in the asset management and funds management industry. He has operated at Senior Management and Board level.

Frank has managed client assets at Chief Investment Officer (CIO) level and has served both as CEO and Chairman of an asset and funds management business.

Frank is:

  • President of the Securities and Investments Institute in Ireland (CISI)
  • a Trustee of the AIB Ireland Pension Scheme
  • Independent Director of five Irish domiciled Authorised Funds.

These include both UCITS and AIFM regulated funds with assets of over several billion euro under management across the investment spectrum. Frank chairs three of these funds.

Frank is also a Director of the Retirement Planning Council.