Course aim
Learn how to develop a personalised retirement plan using a holistic approach where financial preparation is not the only focus.

Course audience
Senior professionals in their late 50s and onwards who are considering retirement, planning retirement or already retired. Individuals who are looking to understand the processes and steps needed to organise their retirement. Anyone with post-retirement goals who want to learn how to achieve them, and anyone unsure on what they want out of their retirement.
Course content
The main topics on this course are:
- Change.
- Finance.
- Healthy living.
- Social Welfare.
- Legal.
- Social engagement.
- Developing a personal plan.

Course Details
The Planning for Retirement programme is held over two consecutive days in venues across the Republic of Ireland and online. It’s an open programme with attendees coming from all industries and areas, with one common goal; retirement.
Our detailed programme is designed to help prepare for the transition to the next stage of life. From social welfare to identity, the Planning for Retirement programme aims to educate and promote a fully-rounded holistic approach to retirement planning.
Online Offering
RPC is committed to delivering the same high standard experience in our online service as our in-person programme. Our online offering, launched in 2021 with great success, ensures more choice and flexibility for our participants.
RPC successfully launched its online learning platform ‘RPCLearn’ in 2021 to facilitate the delivery of our online ‘Planning for Retirement’ programme. Our aim is to ensure pre-retirees can have access to our holistic retirement programme remotely. RPC is determined to maintain an experience that is as close toour face-to-face programme, as is possible in an online capacity. We’re delighted to see that the Platform has delivered for our members and clients, with feedback to date being hugely positive.
Course participants access a step-by-step programme that is delivered fully online. RPCLearn guides the participants through their journey of self-reflection, discovery, and planning by providing access to pre-course materials and activities. Participants then engage with our programme leaders, specialist speakers and fellow participants through live interactive Zoom sessions over the two-day programme.

Lifetime Access
RPC provides participants with lifetime access to the Programme Leaders and Specialist Speakers after they have completed the programme.
Former participants may call or email us at any time if they have a query on a particular module.