Retirement Planning Council of Ireland

We help people to prepare and transition well to the next stage of living.

About Us

Established in 1974, the Retirement Planning Council of Ireland (RPC) is a Registered Charity, a not-for-profit organisation, wholly independent of all financial institutions and with a voluntary board of directors.

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Courses run
Our Courses

We provide support, information and guidance to people planning for retirement. Having worked with organisations and individuals across Ireland for 50 years, we offer practical courses and seminars that talk through the financial and lifestyle changes retirement can bring and help people prepare for the time ahead.

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Three retirees, two women and one man, leaning on a wooden beam outdoors. Chatting and laughing .
Planning for retirement

Our core programme, held nationwide and online throughout the year, this course aims to promote a holistic approach by covering all aspects of retirement planning.

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A professional older man working indoors. He's concentrating while reading on a tablet.
Executive planning for retirement

Our one-day bespoke offering aims to make the transition from work to retirement smooth and enjoyable by carefully considering both holistic and financial aspects.

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Two professional women in their mid-career chatting in work.
Mid-Career Planning

Our in-house company offering aims to help individuals at the midpoint of their careers map out their financial priorities, career ambitions, and personal development to create financial well-being in the workplace.

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Personal Stories
Alan and Avril, sitting together on a couch in their house. Happy after having taken our planning for retirement programme
Alan & Avril attended one of our open Planning for Retirement courses and this is their experience. Alan worked with permanent tsb for forty-two years before retiring in September 2019. Avril continues to work as a nurse and is considering her retirement options.
Alan & Avril Nason
Banking and Nursing
Jimmy O’Driscoll retired nearly five years ago at the age of 65. Jimmy had worked both in the private and public sectors. In his last job, he worked as a trainer with a public services agency teaching electricians and guiding apprentices.
Jimmy O'Driscoll sitting in his arm chair smiling.
Jimmy O'Driscoll
Private and Public sector employee
Fintan previously worked as a business director with various multinationals. He semi-retired 17 years ago, becoming a house-husband and full-time parent, before returning to the workforce as General Manager of the Galway Greyhound Stadium.
Fintan Monahan standing outside his house smiling.
Fintan Monahan
Former manager, Galway Greyhound Stadium
Read stories
Learn more about retirement, what it means to you, and how you can leverage our courses to guide you on your journey.
Book cover with block colour's and simple text saying "a kids book about ageism, by the Connecticut age well collaborative"
A Kids Book About Ageism eBook : Connecticut Age Well Collaborative
A children's book about learning to spot and call out ageism.
Knowlege Base
A graphic with the title of the paper "elderly people and discrimination prevention and reaction". The graphic looks very serious and official to convey it's a legal research paper.
Elderly People and Discrimination: Prevention and Reaction
A research paper from 'The Institute of criminological and sociological research - Vojvodina Bar Association 2023.
Knowlege Base
A photo of Jannette Anderson smiling with the title of the podcast "The Maturepreneur Podcast" on the image.
The Maturepreneur Podcast with Jannette Anderson
The Maturepreneur Podcast with Jannette Anderson: Let's End Ageism with Ashton Applewhite on Apple Podcasts.
Knowlege Base

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